Remember that name, "Helmintollers". If you ever come across someone with that name, consider yourself one of the luckiest people in the world!!! Don't stalk them, but do everything in your power to keep close. :) I LOVE the Helmintollers. I love Big ones, small ones, funny ones, even ones that married the Helmintollers. They are some awesome folk, and obviously brilliant! haha
These blocks were made for some lucky little kid that will grow up knowing the Helmintoller family. Sweet little Parker is still in his mama's belly growing stronger each day. I love praying for the little ones that I get to make blocks for. So Lord, be with Parker even now. Entertain him with all the great stories you have. Fill him with gifts, abilities and a lifetime of laughter. We thank you for Parker's life and all the people who will be touched by this little reflection of you. Bless his mum and dad in the days ahead as well!
This set was $30.00 plus shipping.