If there is any more snow, I'll feel completely jipped. There is a reason I moved from the north, to live in the south you know. This is craziness! Another day off of school too.
I got the call from the school saying school would be canceled tomorrow and within seconds of hanging up, my phone rang again. It was my friend who has children the same age as mine. A play date has never in history been scheduled so swiftly. It was as if, we were putting out a fire that was scheduled to be set. lol. I think I answered the phone with a "YES!" before saying hello.
Sage, my oldest who is five, told me today that she just can't believe snow has any good purpose. I tried to come up with some reasons for her, but finally agreed. She was right. My "good mom" moment passed me by and I succumbed to her skillful reasoning. Basically, in the south everything shuts down and fear drapes over the roadways with as little as a dusting. Snow is fun for two days and after that it has greatly overstayed it's welcome.
At least tomorrow, if the roads are clear....we will have entertainment in the form of a sweet little five year old coming to play!
Here is a picture of Sage and her friend Julia, on a previous snow day having a tea party! Sweet!
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